Recently, during winter vacation, my family and I took a trip to the Florida Keys.  We stayed on Duck Key, which is about half way down the Florida Keys.  It was beautiful, enjoyable, and warm, and it was nice to relax and enjoy the sunshine.  While we were there, a few days after New Year’s Day, I got to go parasailing!  I went up with my brother, and neither of us had ever gone parasailing.  As we sat on the back of the boat, waiting to get lifted into the air, I started to get a bit uneasy.  As I felt my body lift into the air, though, it all went away.  I could see the massive parachute filling up with air behind me and the rope extending in front of me.  Before I knew it, we were high in the air, 400 feet to be exact.  Although it did not feel like we were 400 feet in the air and 800 feet behind the boat, we were high enough to enjoy a spectacular view of the ocean.  While we were up there, I noticed a few dolphins and plenty of stingrays and sea turtles.  It was amazing how much we could see from up there!  Soon, though, we noticed the rope pulling us in and knew our ride was coming to an end.  As we neared the boat, we suddenly started to plunge towards the water.  We knew it was a trick that the boat driver had played on us.  He slowly brought us down into the water, about up to our chests, and then we started to ascend again.  Finally, we felt the sturdy boat beneath us.  After being disconnected from the parachute and unbuckling our harnesses, we went to the front of the boat to sit down.  It is definitely an experience I will never forget.

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